The Answer to (nearly) Everything is PLAY
Are you concerned about your child’s development?
Do you feel helpless and frustrated while waiting for a specialist appointment?
Do you know what you can do while you wait?
Many parents struggle with this same situation, and Anne Maree set out to fill this gap by writing this practical guide to play activities based on brain development and developmental domains.
Play and playfulness are essential to child development, and as that development starts in the uterus, the book includes a chapter on fun for pregnant mums.
Children learn through play, and this book is packed with ideas that will support your child’s development, whether they are a typically developing child who is overly attached to their device or a child who struggles developmentally.
It is highlighted that free play is the ultimate in play but that fun and connected targeted play can fill developmental gaps.
Over 100 ideas are included. Most are low or no-cost.
How good would it feel to know that, while you were waiting, you were actively supporting your child’s development in the best way possible? The answer to (nearly) everything is play—and here is a mountain of ideas.
New Release!!!